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Names, Not Numbers

Names, Not Numbers

Names, Not Numbers 是一个大屠杀教育项目,由Tova Fish-Rosenberg开发,由WDS的. Jill Rivel. 每年,为了加强已经成为我们课程一部分的关于大屠杀的学习 Names, Not Numbers 该计划使八年级学生能够参与独特的多学科学习体验,并结合研究, video production, 和一对一的采访,以保存历史的原始纪录片. Throughout the project, students work with professional journalists, Holocaust scholars, and filmmakers, 他们有独特的(转瞬即逝的)机会直接从经历过大屠杀的人那里了解大屠杀, thus strengthening the personal and emotional connection m’dor l’dor以及为后代保存幸存者的故事.
The Names, Not Numbers 课程开始时,八年级学生观看由其他学生制作的纪录片,以了解他们的最终目标. To prepare for eventual interviews, students participate in several sessions to gain an understanding of the Holocaust timeline; the roles of conspirators, upstanders, and bystanders; the nature of spiritual and physical resistance; and the contemporary manifestations of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial that will be combated with their work. 接下来,学生们与一名记者见面,学习采访技巧, 其中包括如何设计合适的问题,将幸存者的战前经历分类, during the war, and after the war. 参观犹太遗产博物馆的大屠杀展览也让他们有机会看到文物,并向博物馆教育工作者学习. In small groups, students are then matched with one specific Holocaust survivor, 他们会花数周时间研究自己的故事,为面对面的采访做准备.  从摄像师那里学习专业的视频和编辑技术, 学生们喜欢制作纪录片的更多技术元素. 学校或社区的拉比会在学生面试后与他们一起学习Emunah和Theodicy,以帮助他们在犹太人的镜头下处理悲惨的经历. 

在WDS有一个高潮晚宴,在此期间放映了 Names, Not Numbers 纪录片呈现给参与的学生和幸存者, along with their teachers and family members.

Your support of the Names, Not Numbers program is greatly appreciated. Please Click HERE to donate.

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Mamaroneck, NY 10543

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威彻斯特走读学校是一所现代正统,男女同校,双课程,幼儿到8岁th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育我们的学生重视人性, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.